
BARCELONA is fast, against, sexy! she is both nonconformist and darling:


she comes with around 700 glyphs in five weights, basic opentype features, and is prepared for all latin (+greek) languages. she is a lover to a firm kind of impulsive energy – arose out of a twelve week working mania. she is a tilted grotesque; geometrically settled, but with a humanistic draw, which increases in the heavier weights. her nature is very much about the letting go and catching of curves and edges; about inconstancy and how it can »awake« things.


barcelona prefers the billboad to the novel, loud places to the seen ones. she is
a protest! she is sometimes a diva when leaving the house, never without that
little chic: here she is, to be used with courage!


– it smells like alcohol and hot shimmering air. rosalía sings »catalunya« and the new revolution starts heralding here from the balconies: with the deep buzz and the wild
drumming on pots and pans!

Luis Rutz

Bachelor WS 2017/18
Betreuung: Prof. Veruschka Götz
Zweitkorrektor: Dieter Schneider




Schriftgestaltung | Editorial | Plakatgestaltung


Mittwoch 14.03.2018